Welding Services
CTI has been providing welding services to a variety of industries for over 30 years. Our welders are very proficient with MIG and TIG processes. We recently introduced our first robotic welder to support repetitive orders from several key customers. The robotic unit has two welding heads with a 10 foot x 4 foot welding envelope on the front side and a 24 foot x 4 foot welding envelope on the back side. This equipment allows us to tackle both small and large welding projects.
4″ sq. tubing with plates
3″ sq. tubing
Rectangular tubing weldment

Welded using TIG process and passes 150 psi Hydrostatic pressure test
2″ sq. tubing welded robotic ally
Robotic Welder dual welding heads
Video Gallery
Robotic Welding – Cut and Fold
Robotic Welding – Simple Part